

"Sweet baking" is a perfect program for lovers of beautiful and delicious cakes! Making the perfect cake is not a simple thing. What counts is not only culinary skills, but also a huge imagination, a pinch of patience and a passion for details. Agata and Małgosia know something about it! In each episode they will face different sweet challenges. This crazy duo will do everything to meet the expectations of demanding customers who are looking for their dream cake. Usually the cake must be personalized and match the theme of the party. Will girls manage to create a perfect cake that will delight all guests? "Sweet baking" is not only great entertainment, but also a source of culinary inspiration! Find out how to prepare the real cake yourself, what you need to make a perfect sponge cake that never goes down, and how to make a flawless cream. The hosts of the program will also reveal how to make the cake not only delicious, but also look great!   Season 1 - 8 x 22' - Produced in 2018 Season 2 - 8 x 22' - Produced in 2018

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