Secrets, a web of intrigue, infidelity - who Andrzej really is? His wife's worst enemy, or maybe a friend? Can the husband for whom Julia devoted her entire life and career use her cynically? How will the truth about the husband affect the future and their relationship? "Professional Secrecy" is a series that combines legal and medical themes, the main plot focuses on Julia's fight to clear her husband Andrzej of criminal charges. The main character, 40-year-old Julia, after completing her law studies in Warsaw, returned to her hometown, where she married a local doctor and gynecological surgeon - Andrzej. She dedicated herself to her family, setting her ambitions aside, and created the home she had always dreamed of. As a wife and mother of two daughters, she lives in her husband's shadow until she discovers a secret that will destroy her entire world. As a wife, mother and lawyer, Julia must put her feelings aside and stand up for her family. She returns to work as an attorney, fighting for her husband's good name and taking up new cases related to medical law. She does it for the children, but mostly for herself. Thanks to her new responsibilities, Julia discovers a fire and a passion that she has long forgotten. The heroine turns into a lawyer fighting for herself and her clients, whose hunger for challenges gives her inexhaustible strength and effectiveness.   Season 1 - 10 x 42'; produced in 2021 Season 2 - 10 x 42'; produced in 2022

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