1800 GRAMS

1800 GRAMS


A touching story about the most important human matters: love, loneliness, sacrifice and courage, around the life of Ewa, a woman who works looking for families for orphaned children. Cracow is preparing for Christmas. Ewa, the director of the adoption centre, is looking for new carers for orphaned children. There are no impossible things for her. She is a ball of fire, she can break down every door and bend every rule to help them. Just before Christmas, an unusual girl appears in her life – Tonnie, a baby left by her mother. For the sake of the child, Ewa is ready to do anything, even sacrifice herself, her career and chance to love... She is not prepared for a real avalanche of emotional chaos that will soon pass through her life. Can you save yourself by selflessly saving one little world?   Produced in 2019

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