It is a suspense-filled psychological drama with elements of a thriller and a spy movie. A film inspired by the true story of a special agent of Cold-War Poland who posed as the son of a German woman to build false family relations and launch a successful espionage career. A story of how big-world politics can devastate the lives of ordinary people. A historical tale from the 1970s and 80s, in the style of the Oscar-winning “The Lives of Others.” A film about a man steeped in inner conflict, driven by love to try to turn back from a path of no return. He sows destruction instead of love, but as an agent he is impeccable. The movie is also a dark psychological tale about human tragedies and innocent victims of a ruthless spy operation, about the consequences of living a lie, and about love that offers hope for redemption – about the relentless pursuit of the truth and the utmost price that it entails.

Produced in 2023

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