
19 +
19 +


POLISH TITLE: 19+Desirable time of freedom after high school finally came. Group of friends graduated and try to find their place in the adult world. But not everything seems to be like they expected. They all have big dreams and goals for the future, but soon they will realize that freedom and adulthood is not as easy at it may sound. Unplanned pregnancy, pursuit of financial independence, love and betrayal are just some of the issues they have to face. Despite crazy twists of fate our young adults will show us how to enjoy the best moments of their lives and how to take problems with a smile. However it’s for them soon to find out that it is not as easy as it sounds and an adult life can be anything but what they expected. Unplanned pregnancy, love and betrayal ,fights and make-ups are just some of the issues they have to face. Despite crazy twists of fate our young adults will show us how to enjoy the best moments of their lives and how to take problems with a smile.

Season 1 - 135 x 22', produced in 2016, 2017

Season 2 - 67 x 22', produced in 2017

Season 3 - 71 x 22', produced in 2018

Season 4 - 72 x 22', produced in 2019

Season 5 - 59 x 22', produced in 2021

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02-952 Warsaw
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