Doctor Zabek is a famous Polish neurosurgeon working in one of Warsaw hospitals. At the other end of the world, in San Francisco, another neurosurgeon doctor Bankiewicz (with Polish origins) invented a breakthrough technology of placing the gens and hormones directly in human’s brain.

The new technology has been used so far to successfully cure Parkinson disease and brain tumors among others. Now the doctors crossed another limits.

It seems that the cure was found to a very rare disease AACD DEFICIT, which stops the human body’s growth and development (both physically and mentally) at the infant stage.

The doctors in US clinic succeeded in conducting an extremely difficult operation, where the hormones are implemented directly into the right segment of the brain, as a result of which, a person starts growing at the very fast paste. Observing this change, which looks like a natural miracle, is both shocking and extremely touching .

As people suffering for this disease may not travel (there are only two of them in Poland), the most modern equipment used for the surgery is now being shipped through Atlantic Ocean in the special temperature and sceptic conditions, so that Polish patients could undergo the treatment.

The program will include the transmission from the breakthrough operation in Warsaw hospital, scientific background along with the touching story of the patients and the wonderful doctors, who united to cure people.

The production is time sensitive as the first operation has been already successfully concluded and the doctors get ready to the second one.

Produced in 2020

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