His name is Nowak. Hercules Nowak. He always gets up at the same time. His favorite outfit is a corduroy jacket and comfortable shoes. He likes order. He prefers not to use devices that serve more than one activity. He dreams of following in his father's footsteps and becoming a policeman. He has textbooks on criminology and forensics at his fingertips. Just like codes and regulations. Unfortunately, he failed the practical part of the exam for the tenth time. Why? Hercules is weak in emotions. He has limited confidence in everyone but himself. He often gives the impression of not a very nice guy. Her name is Sylwia. Sylwia Mazur. She is a policewoman who has not been doing very well at work lately. She is at risk of being transferred to the economic department. Her relationship with her boss has the status of: it's complicated. Chaos is her middle name. Always on the run. No makeup or fashionable clothes. She is guided primarily by the heart and intuition. She has a nice approach to people. What will happen when Hercules gets in her way? Is there any chance that these two will be able to communicate? It will quickly turn out that despite so many differences, Hercules and Sylwia complement each other quite well, and their joint action brings benefits to each of them.   Season 1 - 8 x 42'; produced in 2022

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