A suspenseful thriller set in two parallel times: in 1978 and in 2010. Joanna Kulig will play the role of a spider behavior specialist who tries to unravel the mystery of the death of her mother and sister.

The "Spider's Web" series is a story inspired by little-known facts from the history of the late PRL, when at the height of its prosperity in Gierek, Poland was developing its own nuclear program. The childhood of Kornelia Titko, a brave scientist with an extraordinary memory, was destroyed by the premature death of her parents and older sister, who died in a car accident. Cornelia's mother, Teresa Titko, was an outstanding nuclear physicist; in the Gierek nuclear program, she played the role of the right hand of its creator, general-professor Grzegorz Giedrowicz. Years later, a mysterious man appears in Cornelia's life, claiming that he was once accused of murdering her sister. The heroine begins a private investigation. Who is the mysterious man and what really connects him with the death of two of Cornelia's closest women? What price will she be charged for trespassing into forbidden territories? What role in this story from years ago were played by the officers of the PRL counterintelligence: captain Ewa Wolańska and second lieutenant Tadeusz Mróz? Who wanted Poland not to join the small group of countries that counted in the nuclear race?   Season 1 - 7 x 42'; produced in 2021

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