Every year in Poland about 18,000 people disappear without a trace. "The Missing Ones" - inspired by the cases of the most famous disappearances in Poland - is an engaging combination of a drama series with an investigative thread! After a long absence, Mila Gajda, a valued and well-known performer and dancer, comes to her hometown of Kasprów for Christmas. It is here, in a small town, that her relatives live - Marcin, Dorota and Olek Gajdas. Respected and liked by everyone family ... When Mila arrives home, she finds crumbs on the plates, cold tea in cups, a carp swimming in the tub, and preparations for Christmas begin. However, the most important thing is missing - parents and a brother! Hours pass, and relatives do not come back and do not give any sign of life. The woman begins a dramatic search, constantly asking herself: "Where are they ?!" How is it possible that in a small town where everyone knows everything about themselves, nobody saw anything and heard nothing? At this difficult moment, Mila meets Filip Zachara, a very peculiar - with Asperger syndrome, and at the same time extremely bright - the Assistant Commissioner from the Center for Missing Persons. The very first meeting of Mila and Filip brings about a clash of two very strong, but equally extreme personalities, who are like fire and water! Together, looking for any clues about the mysterious disappearance, they will start to discover the secrets of the Gajda family. As the next secrets surface, Mila will have to deal with the answer to the question: "How much do we know those we love?" Season 1 - 10 x 42'; produced in 2020 Season 2 - 10 x 42', produced in 2022

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